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Practice Abstracts

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ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 1: Reducing fertiliser application with a localised nitrogen fertilizer injection at seeding for arable crops
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 2: Optimization of grassland management
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 3: Pregnancy test in dairy cows to increase feed efficiency
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 4: Reducing the age at first calving on beef farms
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 5: Reducing the age at first calving
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 6: Introducing cover crops in loamy soils
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 7: Introducing grain legumes, such as pea crop, in the cropping systems to reduce the net greenhouse gas emissions
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 8: Protected urea in the Irish pasture-based system
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 9: White clover in the Irish pasture-based system
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 10: Strip tillage combined with slurry/digestate fertilization
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 11: Feed efficiency and N use efficiency of the herd are important key indicators on dairy farms
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 12: Lower footprint farming at the Southern Dairy Hub
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 13: Use of improved interrows on olive groves, as a solution to increase carbon sequestration
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 14: Double-purpose feeding strategy, by using local oilseeds by-products in order to mitigate GHG small ruminants’ diets while gaining side-advantages
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 15: Application of Biochar
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 16: N2 slurry processing (a method of acidification)
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 17: Crop rotation – Corn and mix of cereals (including legumes)
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 18: Innovative Systemic Solutions Space for Climate-Neutral Farms
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 19: The Creative Arena Methodology
ClieNFarms Practice Abstract n. 20: Catalogue of farm-level solutions that can reduce climate impact of agricultural production systems in Europe