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The second public policy workshop of ClieNFarms entitled “How can the EU agricultural sector contribute to climate neutrality?” on 28th of October.

On the 16th of July, Susan Moloney and Niamh Phelan from the Irish ClieNFarms Team presented at ClieNFarms board at the Teagasc Johnstown Castle Open Day

On the 10th of July, Susan Moloney from the Irish ClieNFarms team participated in the beef event at the Tipperary Dairy calf to beef demonstration farm

As part of the ClieNFarms project, we recently had the pleasure of hosting a group of French dairy farmers who visited several farms in Germany to exchange insights on various techniques aimed at enhancing environmental sustainability in milk production

The Irish dairy-beef I3S had their first demonstration event in June as part of the ‘BEEF2024’ open day in Teagasc Grange

The work acknowledged by ClieNFarms and led by Ké Yu, from LSCE, IPSL, Université Paris-Saclay: ‘Quantifying albedo impact and radiative forcing of management practices in European wheat cropping systems’ was published on Environmental Research Letters