Work packages

WP1 | I3S European Solution Space |
WP leader | Josselin ANDURAND (Idele – ACTA) |
WP coleader | Markus STEFFENS (FIBL) |
Participants | INRAE, AGACAL, AgriCircle, ACTA, BFH – HAFL, Bioforum, BIOS, CRAW, Danone, EDF, FiBL, GWCT, IBNA, JLU, NUTRIFARMS, WR, Teagasc, UNIABDN , UCSC , UNIV LE EDS |
Duration | M1-M48 |
The goal of WP1 is to establish a well – functioning European network of multi – actors I3S, to exchange knowledge, quantify the performance baseline of the I3Ss and to build a reservoir of existing solutions which w ill be used and update throughout the project. WP1 constitutes the nexus of the project as collaborative and creative arena across I3Ss and starting point of a sustainable European Agriculture through climate – neutral farms.
- WP1 co-design the precise structure of the I3S Network through the establishment of 8 sub-thematic networks and the definition of responsibilities and management rules. Multi-actor guidelines will be produced (in association with task 2.1) and training sessions on design-thinking and multi-actor “best practices” will be delivered to I3S Coordinators.
- I3S Coordinators exchange knowledge and cross-fertilise on the different thematic areas throughout the project by implementing the annual knowledge programs.
- WP1 set-up a baseline and final state of performance for the network of I3S (with WP2).
- WP1 creates a catalog of climate solutions for different types of agricultural farms, with science-based information about climate impacts, cost-effectiveness, and other effects of climate solutions and practical examples from I3S farms.
WP2 | I3S Methodology Development |
WP leader | Katja Klumpp, INRAE |
WP coleader | Peter Froehlich, Agricircle |
Participants | INRAE, Agricircle, ACTA, CRA-W, CEA, EDF, FC CV,FiBl, WR, Teagasc |
Duration | M1-M48 |
The main objective of the WP2 is to design the methodologies to assess and reach climate-neutral solutions at farm level. In that respect, the WP2 will build-up of a creative arena of participatory actions to build on existing solutions and actions (international and inter-business) to enable restructuring of physical flows, economies, and information that support local farming
- Define metrics and standards to account for climate impacts of solutions on different scales and levels of approach. Measure, Report, Verify Data methodology (MRV) (to be useful for policy)
- Implementation methodology (to be useful for Carbon credits)
- Evaluate integral sustainability of I3S solutions to avoid trade – offs and adversaries, promote synergies, and enhance transformation to truly integral sustainable farming systems
- Evaluate models and inter – connect inter – operational integrated tools to analyze climate – neutral solutions impacts.
WP3 | I3S Farm Deployment |
WP leader | Deirdre Hennessy, Teagasc |
WP coleader | Sylvain Foray, ACTA |
Duration | M1-M48 |
The objectives of WP3 are to:
- Demonstrate a range of known integrated systemic solutions to transition to climate neutrality across a range of European farming systems and to facilitate adoption by a large number of farmers across Europe
- Quantify the effect of a range of integrated systemic solutions for the transition to climate neutrality as well as effects on the production system and the associated co – benefits across a number of European agricultural systems
- Evaluate the impact of the solutions incorporated at Demonstration Farm level and Lead Commercial Farm level on the transition to climate neutrality, productivity and co – benefits, and design blueprints for solutions that can be implemented on farms to transition towards climate neutrality
- Demonstrate tools and solutions for multi – actor peer – to – peer learning focusing on farmer and advisory groups.
WP3 has four Tasks:
- Task 3.1 – Demonstrating the transition to climate neutrality across regions and farming systems
- Task 3.2 – Piloting solutions towards climate neutrality on Lead Commercial Farms using a Living Lab approach
- Task 3.3 – Impact evaluation of I3S at farm level
- Task 3.4 – Demonstration, Peer – to – Peer learning and Adoption
WP4 | Scaling – up impact of I3S |
WP leader | Jan Peter Lesschen, Wageningen Research |
WP coleader | Juerg Zaugg, Nestle |
Participants | INRAE, AGACAL, AgriCircle, ACTA, BFH – HAFL, CKIC, CEA, Consulai, Danone, EDF, FrieslandCampina, FiBL, GWCT, IBNA, IFOAM, Nestle, NUTRIFARMS, WR, Teagasc, Univ. Aberdeen, UCSC, Univ. Leeds |
Duration | M1-M48 |
This work package is focusing on the upscaling of the results of previous work packages to support the deployment at scale of I3S involved in the project. To do this we defined four tasks.
First we develop a framework to the scaling up (the same farm types in a region or supply chain) and scaling out (other farm types or regions) of the I3S solutions in European farming systems (Task 4.1). In the following task, we will bring this to practice and develop, test and implement business models for upscaling the transformation of farms towards climate neutral farms (Task 4.2) . This will be done for 10 of the I3S making use of the supply chains from Nestle, Danone, FrieslandCampina and NUTRIFARMS. In Task 4.3 we will develop a carbon credit platform with automated certification processes , which will be applied in at least two of the supply chains. In the final task we will explore the potential for climate neutral farming in the EU using scenario analyses to assess different pathways for upscaling I3S.
WP5 | Synergies with EU projects, policies and initiatives |
WP leader | Daniel Zimmer, Climate – KIC |
WP coleader | Alba Saez, IFOAM EU |
Participants | INRAe, Nestlé (CH), Teagasc, Consulai, EDF, ACTA, Wageningen Research (in addition to lead and co – lead) |
Duration | M1-M48 |
The WP 5 of ClieNFarms will ensure that the project’s systemic innovations contribute to the delivery of the EU Green Deal and specifically to its Farm to Fork Strategy. Its overall objective is to build cooperation with the European Commission and to establish synergies with selected projects of the Green Deal call, as well as with relevant policies and initiatives in Europe. Its activities will ensure that the latest solutions and policy developments are known and used by the project partners, while also increasing the awareness of a wide range of stakeholders connected to ClieNFarms of the innovative systemic solutions developed by our project. More specifically the WP will:
- Establish connections with the Commission Services in charge of the Farm to Fork strategy and related policies, and for this organize meetings, workshops and prepare policy briefs
- Facilitate knowledge sharing and exploit synergies with complementary or similar initiatives and Green Deal projects
- Exchange knowledge and insight and receive advice from experienced international stakeholders through the establishment of an International Advisory Board.
WP6 | Communication, Dissemination, Training and Exploitation |
WP leader | Dina Lopes, CONSULAI |
WP coleader | Marija Vagić, BIOSENSE |
Duration | M1-M48 |
WP6 is responsible for communicating, disseminating, and exploiting at multi – level the outcomes of the project, boosting the potential and build ing the capacity to achieve climate – neutral farms.
The main objective of the WP6 is develop a C,D&E plan, create awareness and activate the multi – actor community of chain actors and other stakeholders through the use of different channels and tools.
WP7 | Coordination and project management |
WP leader | Jacques – Eric Bergez , INRAE |
WP coleader | – |
Participants | AgriCircle, CKIC, CONSULAI, FiBL, IFOAM OE, NESTLE – SPN, WR, TEAGASC |
Duration | M1-M48 |
WP7 is the management work – package. It aims to coordinate the project in a fair, effective and efficient manner. Specific objectives are:
- At the strategic level, to steer the project to ensure the project reaches its objectives and to do so addresses all unexpected situations, be these scientific, technological, legal, social, regulatory, or economic events.
- At the operational level, to put in place the procedures and tools needed to ensure that the project progresses in compliance with the Grant Agreement, the Consortium Agreement and the project work plan and produces timely and quality results.
- At the administrative level, to organise project meetings, administer project payments, prepare project reports and ensure efficient collaboration an d communication amongst partners.
In addition to WP7, the WP8 work – package deals with the Ethics of the project.