About the project
The main aim of our project is to demonstrate, evaluate and improve technical, organisational and financial solutions at the farm level that will contribute to achieving climate-neutrality of European agriculture by 2050.
ClieNFarms is an Innovation Action project funded by the European Commission to support the European Green Deal. It aims to co-develop and scale up systemic, locally relevant solutions to foster climate-neutral and climate-resilient farms across Europe.
Supporting the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy, contributing to the achievement of its objectives, the ClieNFarms project aims to demonstrate, evaluate and improve technical, organisational and financial solutions at the farm level that will contribute to achieving climate-neutrality of European agriculture by 2050. This will be done by a multi-actor approach, interactively integrating and improving existing solutions to achieve economically viable business models in farming systems by involving farmers, extension services, agri-food business, policymakers, finance and citizens. These solutions will be disseminated, and young farmers will be targeted through capacity building.
The general goal of ClieNFarms is to co-develop and upscale systemic locally relevant solutions (organisational, financial, technical) to reach climate neutral and climate resilient sustainable farms across Europe, interactively integrating and improving existing solutions to achieve economically viable business models in farming systems by involving farmers, extension services, agri-food business, policy-makers, finance and citizens.
Main concept

The core concept of the project is a demonstration approach called the Innovative Systemic Solution Space (I3S). I3S consists of different components and actors who will test and disseminate tailored multi-actor, co-designed innovative solutions to achieve climate-neutral farms within supply chain and local geographical extent.

Systemic because it takes into account not only the farm but also the surrounding ecosystem (suppliers, advisors, research, agro-equipment, etc.)

Solution space because different solutions will be proposed and tailored for each farm, depending on their pedoclimatic conditions, resources availabilities and constraints.

Innovative because the proposed solutions will induce the adoption of efficient innovation, including new elements such as finance, banks, collaborative proposals.
ClieNFarms project will develop a network of farmers to debate technical aspects, promote the participation of the surrounding ecosystem (finance, agro-equipment, etc.) to allow investments in specific equipment, strengthen advisory systems and provide clear policy support that will be key to achieving success in the transition to climate-neutral farms. This network will provide strong demonstration and farmer empowerment.