International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements European Union Regional Group
IFOAM Organics Europe

Country | Belgium |
Webpage | |
Contact person | Alba Saez |
IFOAM Organics Europe is the European umbrella organisation of the organic food and farming sector. With almost 200 members in 34 European countries, its work spans the whole food chain. IFOAM Organics Europe promotes knowledge exchange and engages organic actors in participatory research to meet their needs and expectations. It has ample experience setting up science-practice-policy dialogues and translates research outcomes in recommendations for policymakers.
IFOAM Organics Europe is deputy leader of WP5 (Links with other EU projects, policies and initiatives). As leader of task 5.1, it ensures strong connections between the project and the Farm-to-Fork strategy and related policies. IFOAM Organics Europe will organise three public policy workshops in order to inform Commission Services and Member States about the project developments and stimulate commitment to its policy recommendations. Moreover, it will have regular exchanges with the EU Commission Services. The policy recommendations and outcomes of the workshops will be summarised in a policy synthesis report.