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D1.3: First annual knowledge exchange duly organised

At the end of the first year of the ClieNFarms project, I3S Coordinators have already started to exchange knowledge and cross-fertilise on the different thematic areas. A program of exchanges and complementary training sessions is already available for 2023. It will be updated throughout 2023. At M12 of the ClieNFarms project within the task 1.2, WP1 and I3S coordinators have:

 – Structured I3S exchanges within a thematic network with I3S coordinators appointed as thematic leaders.

 – Thematic leaders will have the following responsibilities regarding knowledge exchanges: asking other I3S coordinators within the thematic to describe and present some example of solution towards climate neutrality during knowledge exchange session, discussing solutions and maintaining communication between I3S coordinators between meetings within the thematic if needed, setting-up of physical meeting, visits and set up the agenda with WP leader for cross border visits.
