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ClieNFarms 1st Creative Arena was a success!

The first Creative Arena was organised in Ireland in January 2023, for the Irish I3S. This event consisted of a series of 4 workshops and discussions between different actors in the value chain, and brought together around 35 farmers, advisors, researchers and industry actors of the dairy sector.

Participants were encouraged to identify solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase carbon sequestration on dairy farms in Ireland. The impact and likelihood of adaptation of the solutions were also discussed, outlining the support required for implementation and the tools already in place. The objective was to develop strategies that promoted the implementation of high-impact solutions.

During 2023, the different I3Ss of the ClieNFarms project will organise their own Creative Arena, counting on the lessons learnt from this first event and helping boost the transition to climate neutrality in the different European farming systems.

The emerging solutions will be proposed and tailored on Lead Commercial Farms (LCF). The LCF will are representative for typical farming systems in the partner country/region, considered progressive and early adopters of new technologies of solutions to transition to climate neutrality and increase C sequestration/storage.

See the photos of the Irish Creative Arena below and stay tuned for more!